Hello everyone, I am Hauwa Mahmoud. I am from Kano, Nigeria, and of Hausa-Fulani and Idoma ethnicity. I completed my education up to secondary school level in Kano. I am currently studying architecture at The Pennsylvania State University where I am also working towards a minor in Crime, Law, and Psychology.
Architecture, as a field, to me has always been very fascinating because it has the ability to capture and express so many different arts and sciences. It is constantly evolving with new ways of solving problems.
I love African architecture, especially because it is a reflection of my cultural identity in the built form. It is more than just building buildings; real African architecture is (and should continue to be) a reflection of a people’s complete and authentic way of life.
My experience as a CPDI Africa intern was incredible. It gave me the opportunity to dive into the history of some of the many different languages of African architecture. The connections I have made are truly invaluable I have gained incredible insight from the distinguished professors and experts in various areas of Afrocentric Architecture as well as from my fellow interns from across the continent and diaspora. I hope the connections I have made over the past weeks will remain with me throughout the rest of my career as I delve more into African centered design.
I am immensely grateful to Prof. Nmadili Okwumabua, Prof. David Hughes, Dr. Theophilus Shittu, Dr. Eduoard Din, Prof. Joseph Conteh, and Prof. Oluwatoyin for being so generous with their knowledge and their continued mentorship and encouragement to my fellow interns and I as we discover our paths.
I think the push for the "rediscovery" of African centered design and architecture is an important one if we are to truly realize the Africa of our dreams.
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