A Resort is defined as a place that is frequented for holidays or recreation or for a particular purpose. A cultural center or cultural center is an organization, building or complex that promotes culture and arts. Cultural centers can be neighborhood community arts organizations, private facilities, government-sponsored, or activist-run.
Igbo culture is a rich sub-Saharan way of life peculiar to this tribe. This Resort is an Architectural translation of this way of life, to promote and immortalize it, cutting through every aspect of their ways of life.
Play video below to watch the design Quick Animation.
Ventilation and Lighting are responsible for Thermal/Visual Comfort in Hot Tropic Zones (usually ridden by high temperatures coupled with high humidity). Having a fantastic Air flow and movement is then as key as choosing a sustainable green material that will improve thermal comfort fit for our climate.
Unity is more represented on the Circle better than any other shape. Drawing its strength from the center, the more it radiates the bigger it becomes. Many Uli motifs draws inspiration from it, talking about the power the Anyanwu brings, the self-reliance the Ejuna encompasses, the recoil and regroup the Eke symbolizes.
Play video below to watch the full design Presentation.
The Igbo traditional red hat (OKPU MMEME / OPKU OZO) is an identity of the Igbos all over the world. The Cultural Center (Museum) is patterned after it. It well connotes the Igbo tradition, as being attributed to the Monarchy. The bands on the black Igwe hat (lower picture) will be represented by continuous opening strips for lighting and ventilation.
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